
All articles written by MICHAEL O. MOJEKEH Ph.D.

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Nigeria as a nation is currently witnessing serious security and stability challenges. This has gone into threatening most lives and properties. The causative agent(s) of these security and stability challenges has been traceable to youth’s non-involvement in well skilled and defined jobs that will enable them earn a living. One of the best avenues of helping them attain this skilled job status is through the process of entrepreneurship education as………..

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Any decision on sustainable economic development, must address three fundamental questions, which among others include what has been happening to poverty; unemployment and inequality or economic injustice? If all these three variables have declined from high levels, then there has been a period of development in the affected country. A descriptive approach was adopted from secondary source of data. Today we are witnessing a growing precarious economic situation of glaring distortion, disequilibrium and disharmony globally. Neo-liberal capitalism promotes……………..
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Congratulations my dear graduating students. Let us also congratulate our parents, families and supporters for encouraging us to seek out excellence in this great citadel of learning. Anambra State University. There is time for everything a season for every activity under heave (Eccles. 3-1). This is graduation time. As you are going, you should always bear in mind that education is a companion which no misfortune can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienated and no despotism can enslave. At home, a friend; abroad: an introduction; in solitude a solace; and in society an armament. Education chastens vice,……..
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This paper focused on gender inequality and international conventions, as veritable strategy for sustainable socio-economic transformation in Nigeria. The concept of gender equality entails measurable equal representation of women and men. It does not imply that women and men are the same, but that they have equal value and should be accorded equal treatment. The study adopted survey questionnaire which was constructed using a five (5) point Likert. The sample consisted of 1106 respondents. Simple random sampling was used. It consists of 540 males, 530 females, 36 staff of United Nations Agencies and 35 copies of questionnaire were not returned. This paper explores and classifies the concept and objectives…………

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This paper examined and highlighted the issues that are presumed to be the origin of the prevailing and fast-growing economic crisis, shockwaves and disturbances and proffered avenues that can stimulate realistic and sustainable global economic stability and peace. A descriptive approach was adopted from secondary source of data. Today, our civilization has turned its greatest successes- the masterpieces of material sciences into engines of destruction with increasing force and frequency. We are witnessing a growing precarious economic situation of glaring distortion, disequilibrium and disharmony globally. The neo-liberal capitalism is characterized by individualism, greed, self-interest…………….
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This paper examined the effects of global marketing on the developing nations with particular emphasis on Nigeria. With the advent of globalization – (the growing integration of economies and societies around the world), facilitated by modern day sophisticated Information, Communication and Transportation Technology (ICTT). A descriptive approach was adopted from secondary source of data. Global marketing has become increasingly relevant to the economic development of any country. Global marketing involves the integration of……….

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Science is a systematic study of anything that can be examined, tested and verified. The word science is derived from the Latin word scire, meaning “to know”. From its' early beginnings, science has now developed into one of the greatest and most influential fields of human endeavour. A descriptive approach was adopted from secondary source of data. Today, different branches of science investigate almost everything that could be observed or detected. Science as a whole shapes, the way we understand the universe, our planet…….

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The study investigated consumer perceptions of service quality dimensions delivery, in the Nigerian Stock Broking Firms, particularly the consumers from South-East geo-political zone. The study sought to ascertain the levels to which consumers perceive service quality dimensions within a highly sensitive, regulated and complex services sector. The study is based on the Perceived Justice Theory, propounded by G.C. Homans (1961), which has two components: the distributive justice theory and procedural justice theory. The study adopted survey questionnaire based on the SERVQUAL model, modified by Bahia and Nantel (2000) as the Banking Service Quality (BSQ) scale. A total of 384 copies of the questionnaire………

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The principle of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what generations have done, men who are creative, inventive and discoverers (Jean Piaget). Education is a companion which no misfortune can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate, no despotism can enslave, at home, a friend, abroad, an introduction, in solitude, a solace; and in society, an armament. It chastens vice, it guides virtue and it gives at once grace and government to genius. Without it, what is man? A splendid slave…………………

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The study examined the focal points that are inevitable in the marketing of a Global Brand: The Focal points necessitated by the challenges of getting abreast of the principles, fundamentals, strategic approaches, and global best practices, needed to successfully launch and sustain a global brand in the face of the present hi-tech communication, world financial meltdown, sophisticated market fragmentation and continued stiff competitions. A descriptive approach was adopted from secondary source of data.  It recommended that marketers………….

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This paper focuses on marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility, as veritable strategies, for sustainable corporate growth and profitability. Corporate social responsibility is the managerial, intellectual and practical reactive responsiveness, to the firm's obligatory, operational and environmental activities, like economic, productive/technical, legal, ecological, ethical and philanthropic requirements, to its stockholders and entire stakeholders. It is a firm's commitment to contribute to economic development while improving………

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In this 21st century, marketing will not only influence numerous facets of our
daily lives, it will also affect decisions regarding marketing activities and everyone's welfare. The commercial marketing challenges and opportunities have made marketing one of the popular fields, especially in the growing global economy in the 21st century. Evidently, the challenges presented by today’s complex and technologically sophisticated market environment require………..

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Education is a key tool in combating poverty, in promoting peace, social justice, human rights, democracy, cultural diversity and environmental awareness. Education for peace implies an active concept of peace through values, life skills, and knowledge in a spirit of equality, respect, empathy, understanding and mutual appreciation among individuals, groups and nations. A descriptive approach was adopted from secondary source of data. Education is a basic component of human development……..

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This paper focused on the leadership approaches, the application in the world of work and the impact on employees’ satisfaction and productivity in Nigerian public institutions. It clearly states that leadership is the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group or organizational goal. The purpose of this paper is……

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This paper focuses on Total Quality Management (TQM) and the paradigm shift from the classical conventional management concepts, techniques and principles as a veritable strategy for sustainable development of the third world. TQM is a revolutionary total organizational approach, for meeting customers' needs and expectations that involves all managers and employees, in using quantitative methods to improve continuously, the organization's processes, products and services. ……………………..

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