B2B Marketing Expert Interview Series: Feeling B2B with Pam Didner #MPB2B

Welcome back to our new series, “Feeling B2B,” where we journey into the heart of the B2B marketing landscape. In our debut installment we took a look at unconventional B2B marketing experiences with Joe Pulizzi of The Tilt, and we’re thrilled to present the next chapter of “Feeling B2B” featuring marketing expert Pam Didner, vice president at Relentless Pursuit. Join us as we dig in and get Pam’s unique takes on creating joy for customers in marketing, what she loves about B2B marketing and much more.

This video interview series is created by TopRank Marketing in partnership with MarketingProfs B2B Forum, an event that gathers the brightest minds in the B2B marketing industry. The 2023 B2B Forum will take place in Boston October 4-6, and also has online participation options. 

With a dynamic background spanning over 14 years at Intel and a current role as a distinguished consultant and author, Pam brings a fascinating perspective to B2B marketing, and she recently sat down with our own CEO Lee Odden to take a look at the importance of emotions in B2B marketing.

Drawing inspiration from her personal experience with yoga, Pam looks at the benefits of finding joy in the process itself, including a memorable lesson from a yogi that rings especially true in B2B marketing: how joy can be a driving force. With this insight, Pam encourages marketers to infuse joy into their work, crafting marketing experiences that resonate on an emotional level.

“Can you find joy in B2B marketing and find joy in what you do? I think that’s a very important emotion and experience when you do your job.” — Pam Didner @PamDidner
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Pam and Lee also explore her longtime involvement with MarketingProfs B2B Forum, as she recalls memorable moments from the event (view the video below to find out what they are), and takes a look at the power of unity in the B2B marketing community. Pam also shares how MarketingProfs B2B Forum helps marketers discover that their challenges are shared  and that they are not alone on their journey.

Stay tuned as we continue to traverse the landscape of B2B marketing in the “Feeling B2B” series.

Watch the video now and make sure to let us know if YOU are feeling B2B!

Thank you, Pam, for sharing your unique perspective and enriching our understanding of the emotional heart of B2B marketing. Make sure you also check out the interview with Joe Pulizzi in case you missed it, and we hope to see you at #MPB2B in October.

Stay tuned for more exclusive conversations in the #FeelingB2B series, and mark your calendars for the upcoming MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2023. This is where the industry’s trailblazers gather to exchange insights, share experiences, and propel B2B marketing into the future.

Visit mpb2b.marketingprof.com to learn more!

PLUS: Get $100 off individual registration and $300+ for groups of three or more by using our special code, “TOPRANK” when you register here.

How to Connect with Pam:

See Pam Speak at #MPB2B:
October 4 – 9;00am to 3:30pm
October 5 – 4:05pm to 4:50pm
How to Demonstrate Marketing ROI

Here is the full transcript from this conversation between Pam and Lee:

Lee: Welcome to the Feeling B2B show, a limited interview series featuring conversations with some of the B2B marketing industry’s top voices, brought to you by the fine folks at MarketingProfs B2B Forum.

I’m your host Lee Odden, and today we’re speaking with B2B marketing expert, consultant, author, keynote speaker and presenter at the 2023 MarketingPros B2B Forum conference. Her name of course is Pam Didner. Pam spent over 14 years in advancing B2B marketing roles at Intel, before founding her consultancy. She’s author of multiple books, has been an adjunct instructor at multiple universities, and because of her depth of actual B2B marketing experience and her continued effort to elevate the craft, we’ve interviewed her many times, and are very happy to welcoming her back. Welcome to Feeling B2B, Pam.

Pam Didner:

Thank you so much for having me, and for the great introduction.


We’ve both been in the B2B marketing industry for a long time. It’s 2023 and we’re still here, and I’m curious, what is it that you love about B2B marketing?


You know Lee, I have two F words. Fun and frustrating. The fun part is that it’s a complicated and long purchase cycle. There’s always something to learn — from SEO to influencer marketing, which you are very good at, down to AI and its interesting technology to help us do our jobs better. The frustrating part is that it is complicated and it’s long purchase cycle, and it can be overwhelming sometimes. If that happens to you, just take a deep breath. It’s that love and hate relationship — that’s what makes it fun.


I have to agree. It’s always changing. It’s always a challenge, and it seems that people like yourself who are satisfied by tackling a challenge and solving it seem to be the most successful. I’m curious, there are many different dimensions — as you’ve mentioned — in B2B marketing, and experiences have been a big theme for a long time. Content experiences and marketing experiences. What would you say is the importance of experiences that drive emotion in B2B marketing?


I kind of want to answer that question a little bit differently. I was thinking about this, and would like to answer what is the important experience as a B2B marketer.

I have practiced yoga for years, and several years ago I saw a poster in my yoga studio, and a well-known yoga guru from India was coming to the studio to teach a three-day, four hour yoga training. So I signed up, and I was like, “Oh, this is great.” I showed up at the studio and it was completely packed, and then the yoga master — this tiny little lady walked in. She didn’t make a sound, and then asked everybody, “So, why did you come to this training?” She had a deep voice, and I raised my hand. I said, “Oh, I want to learn the yoga postures better.” Someone else said that she wanted to learn breathing better, and another person said he wanted to be a better teacher.

Finally, this is what she said. She said, “You know, all of those are great answers, but you guys are missing the point. You do it because of joy. You do yoga because you love it and it’s joyful.” I found that profoundly liberating.

The most important experience for us to have in B2B marketing is sometimes because it’s our job, but even if it’s a job, can you find joy in B2B marketing and find joy in what you do. I think that’s a very important emotion and experience when you do your job.


Yes, and even creating joy for your customers, right? Creating joy through marketing experiences. You’ve spoken at and attended MarketingProfs B2B Forum multiple times, and I’m wondering if you could share a moment from the event that really stands out to you?


You know, honestly Lee, where will you find so many B2B marketers in one place on this planet? When you attend, the more people you talk to, the more you will feel, “Oh my god, you know, I have that issue. I was using that system too, and that system had this feature or that one.” If you actually have a lot of challenges in your job, the more people you talk to, the more you will feel that you are not alone, which is the truth. You are not alone. A lot of issues you run into, all of a sudden you’ll find others encountering the same thing. So honestly, come to MarketingProfs B2B Forum — it’s a therapy session on steroids, in a good way.


You’ll find your people there, right?


You find your peeps.


Exactly. So can you tell us a little bit about what you are looking most forward to, and I’m also wondering if you could share maybe just a little bit about the topic that you’re speaking about?


I’m doing a workshop and I’m also doing a session. The workshop is about how to create a solid go-to-market plan. So if you are working on go-to-market plan, come to my workshop. I’m making it fun, trust me. We are going to actually read a couple books, and watch a couple movies — I’m not kidding. And then for my session, it is really about marketing AI. And if you’re having a hard time demonstrating how you provide value to companies, check out my sessions as well.

Great.  I’m super excited for that. There is such a huge momentum towards go-to-market right now, and I think a lot of people are hungry for learning exactly how to make sense of that for their company. Your workshop and session are two two reasons all by themselves that people should register for the conference — that’s awesome.

You can see and learn more from Pam at MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston or online. October 4th is when the workshop is happening, and then on October 5th and 6th is when the main sessions are happening. You can check out the full agenda, the list of other speakers, and all the other fun things that are planned by the folks at MarketingProfs B2B Forum at the event website.

Thank you so much Pam, and I look forward to seeing you in October at MarketingProfs B2B Forum.

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